Focus Archive > Page 75

Making Earth-Friendly Choices

One-third of food produced for human consumption is lost or wasted globally, amounting to about 1.3 billion metric tons per year, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Food is lost …

Can the Meat Industry Reduce its Environmental Impact?

The global meat industry is worth over $2 trillion, according to a report from IDTechEx. In 2017, the U.S. alone produced about 100 billion-lbs. of meat, with production growing at a rate of 2-3% per …

Banning the Bag: Are Plastic Bag Bans Smart for Business?

To date, eight states-California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Maine, New York, Oregon, and Ver-mont-have banned the use of plastic bags. Though they may have prohibited plastic bags in the name of sustainability, some states like Maine …

Rollback on Eco-Friendly Initiatives Amid Coronavirus

As the coronavirus pandemic continues to accelerate, several sustainability initiatives have experienced reversals due to safety concerns. The plastic bag industry, which has faced a wave of bans across the U.S., is using the coronavirus …

Canada’s Edibles Market

In October 2019, cannabis edibles became legal in Canada with Health Canada accepting applications from companies seeking to produce cannabis-derived goods. Brightfield Group, a market research firm specializing in the cannabis industry, projects Canada’s cannabis …

Success of Cannabis Beverages Relies on Emulsions

Erik Knutson foresees a time soon when Amsterdam-like clubs, where consumers can smoke or drink cannabis-infused products and socialize, will become commonplace in the U.S. “Cannabis-infused drink sales will continue to expand,” said Knutson, CEO …


Honoring Women Execs in Specialty Food Industry

As the conclusion of The Food Institute Report‘s Women’s History series, we are spotlighting the three female executives who were recently honored as the recipients of Specialty Food Association’s (SFA) eighth annual Leadership Awards. The …