Tag: Vaccine

Bird Flu Approaching Danger Point

The USDA is ramping up efforts to stem H5N1 avian influenza as the virus has spread to a third worker, and cattle in at least nine states,

Italy to Require COVID-19 Pass for Workers

Italian workers in public and private sectors must display a health pass to access their workplaces starting October 15, a move prompted by the fact the Delta coronavirus variant continues to surge across much of …

Food Industry Groups Want Priority Vaccinations for Workers

With limited quantities of the COVID-19 vaccine available, many groups a seeking priority for their employees—including the food industry. Administration of the vaccine began on Dec. 14 in the U.S. with early doses being set …

Trade Groups Seek Priority COVID-19 Vaccine Access for Meat Workers

Three leading meat-industry trade groups are asking U.S. governors to prioritize COVID-19 vaccine access for meat workers, reported Winsight Grocery Business (Dec. 9). The North American Meat Institute, the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, and the …

Grocery Stores Prepare to Distribute COVID-19 Vaccines

Neighborhood grocery stores will likely serve as major providers of COVID-19 vaccinations, reported The Wall Street Journal (Nov. 30). Supermarkets are working to secure storage materials for the vaccines, and other medical gear required for …