Tag: snacking > Page 2

Something to Nibble on: the Rise of Snacking

The snack market experienced an uptick during the pandemic, as many consumers found comfort from items like popcorn during lockdowns. The global snack food market was valued at approximately $427 billion in 2020 and, according …

Q&A: Kellogg Exec Notes How Pandemic Has Altered Snacking

Nigel Hughes had an uncomfortable thought at the outset of the coronavirus pandemic. The SVP of global research and development at The Kellogg Company feared his company might struggle in the snack space amid pandemic lockdowns, since …

How Mars Wrigley Imagines the Future of Food

What does the future of food and snacking look like? Mars Wrigley Global Foresight Leader Joanna Lepore joins The Food Institute Podcast to discuss the 5- and 10-year prospects for chocolate, confectionary, and other munchables. …

New Stats Show Snacking Intensifying During Pandemic

New stats suggest consumer eating habits are shifting away from the traditional three meals per day toward more frequent snacking. Over the past five years, Americans added 25 between-meal snacking occasions per capita, from 505 …

Key Lessons from the KIND Acquisition by Mars

Mars’ acquisition of the KIND brand is more than the latest or the largest strategic acquisition by a large food company. In this acquisition, the real “news” is the lessons its 16-year development contains for …

How COVID is Changing Snacking Habits

More than 8 in 10 Americans (85%) changed their food habits since the start of the COVID-19 crisis, according to the 2020 Food and Health Survey, an annual survey commissioned by the International Food Information …

Time-Constrained Consumers Replace Meals with Healthy Snacks

Millennials and Generation Z consumers trying to balance work with other activities, along with more singles in homes, are demographics driving a trend toward healthier snacking that is replacing full, sit-down meals, experts say. Snacking …