Tag: Retail Media Networks

FI Spotlight: Best Practices For Omnichannel Strategy

Join us on this episode of FI Spotlight as we delve into the best practices of omnichannel strategy with special guest John Carroll, President of Digital Commerce + Advanced Analytics at Acosta Group. Discover top-line ...

Webinar: The Future of Food Retail

In 2024, the food retail industry will face a new set of opportunities and challenges unlike those in previous years. From the impact of inflation, shifts in shopper behavior, increased technological disruption, and competition from ...

Retail Media Networks Are Poised to Explode

Believe the hype – major American retailers and grocers are spending big money on retail media networks (RMNs). Walmart has Walmart Connect. Target reaches consumers using Roundel. Kroger has its Precision Marketing network, Albertsons its …

3 Trends Reshaping Grocery

New research from analytics firm Placer.ai noted the steps that successful grocery chains are taking in 2023 to outpace the competition amid inflation.

Placer.ai Exec: How Grocers Must Evolve in 2023

The grocery space has been upended over the past three years and leaders must face new challenges with patience, according to Placer.ai’s Retail Trends Forecast 2023 report.