Tag: Manufacturing > Page 12

Rollback on Eco-Friendly Initiatives Amid Coronavirus

As the coronavirus pandemic continues to accelerate, several sustainability initiatives have experienced reversals due to safety concerns. The plastic bag industry, which has faced a wave of bans across the U.S., is using the coronavirus …

Canada’s Edibles Market

In October 2019, cannabis edibles became legal in Canada with Health Canada accepting applications from companies seeking to produce cannabis-derived goods. Brightfield Group, a market research firm specializing in the cannabis industry, projects Canada’s cannabis …

Success of Cannabis Beverages Relies on Emulsions

Erik Knutson foresees a time soon when Amsterdam-like clubs, where consumers can smoke or drink cannabis-infused products and socialize, will become commonplace in the U.S. “Cannabis-infused drink sales will continue to expand,” said Knutson, CEO …