Focus Archive > Page 85

C-Suite Changes Include More Women In January

[EDITOR’S NOTE: The following is a piece written by Food Institute President Brian Todd. The piece will be published in the upcoming March 5 edition of the Food Institute Report.] The Food Institute tracked 47 …

Beef: It’s What’s for Dinner. Or Is It?

If you’ve been reading Today in Food, you’ll notice that meatless burgers are becoming pretty popular across the country. This trend extends to retail and foodservice outlets alike. If you don’t believe me, take a …

Can SNAP Survive the Blue Apron Treatment?

“Honey, can you answer the door? I think the SNAPBox just got dropped off.” In what is likely a familiar scenario for many families across the country, the hypothetical talking point above mimics real life: …

Avocado Lovers Rejoice: 2018 Could Be Your Year

If you go through the archives of the Food Institute Blog, you’ll see we cover a lot of ground, but even we have our old standbys. Amazon, mergers, food trends and the like tend to …

Avoiding the Food Labeling Class Action Trap

Making food can be a tricky proposition in the modern era. First, you need to balance the taste of a product with its nutrition. Then, you need to successfully market the product to retailers and …

Amazon Goes Cashierless, but Boosts Prime Fees

Amazon is no stranger to the Food Institute Blog. They serve as a benchmark for e-commerce in many ways, and over the weekend, the company made two moves that will likely impact the retail world in the coming months.

Walmart Giveth, and Walmart Taketh Away

The new tax bill is expected to affect the majority of American workers starting in February, but already, some companies are planning ahead and enjoying the public relations boon of offering bonuses up front to …

Food and Transportation Link Up at CES

The Consumer Electronics Show (CES) is one of the most notable events of the year for the technology industry. New gadgets, keynote speeches and emerging technology platforms are displayed for the public, and hot takes …

How Will Nacho Fries Affect the Potato Supply?

When ordering tacos from a foodservice outlet, the last thing you might expect would be this phrase: “Would you like fries with that?” Yet, on Jan. 25, across the nation, diners at Taco Bell will …

What’s in a Farm? USDA Gives Us Some Answers

I remember when I first began my career with the Food Institute, I was a bit flustered by the enormity of it all. At times, the food industry can seem like a mammoth. Regulatory issues, …

Amazon Is Facing Legal Challenges in Europe

In the U.S., the spotlight is on Amazon, and for good reason. The company’s recent acquisition of Whole Foods Market, it’s potential foray into the pharmaceuticals business and its omnipresent share of e-commerce sales during …


Can Chipotle Break Itself Out of Its Rut?

The trials and tribulations of Chipotle Mexican Grill is not a new topic for The Food Institute Blog. Both Jennette and I have opined in the past regarding the slew of food safety scares and …

Instacart Makes Headway in a Digital Grocery World

On a recent visit at a friend’s house, I had a moment of clarity to see how technology is becoming such a major facet of everyday life. Clearly, we cover technological advancements pretty regularly here …

Federal, Florida Governments Try to Help Citrus Producers

Hurricane Irma was not kind to Florida’s citrus industry, which was already besieged by dwindling production and citrus greening disease. In an effort to defend Florida’s iconic agricultural industry, both federal and state government programs …

Apple Holdings Up as of Nov. 1

In just over a week, families across the U.S. will be sitting down for a Thanksgiving meal that features turkey, mashed potatoes and a variety of other American staples. I know my family will be …

Whole Foods Market Picks Food Trends for 2018

There are about two months remaining in 2017, and retailers are preparing for the Thanksgiving and winter holiday seasons. However, savvy industry members are also looking to what will be hot in 2018, and Whole …

Food Labeling in Flux

Food labeling regulation, once a stalwart of FDA policy, has entered a state of flux. Food companies now need to negotiate a minefield of changing rules and evolving enforcement policies. Manufacturers also face an increasing …

Amazon Also Wants to Get a Foot in the Door

Voice-ordering devices. Smart thermostats. Mobile-connected cameras. Even Internet of Things-enabled fridges that allow for re-ordering: It seems brands and retailers want to get into consumers’ homes, but the level is accelerating. About a month ago, …

For Pesticide Makers, it’s Do or Dicamba Time

Pesticides and herbicides are a controversial subject of discussion in the food world. Some would argue they are absolutely vital to a thriving food system by ensuring pests and invasive weeds do not decimate crops, …