Can In-Store Marketing Boost Plant-Based Sales?
As the plant-based industry grapples with plateauing sales at retail, company leaders from alt-meat to tofu are turning a critical eye toward in-store marketing to boost household penetration.
As the plant-based industry grapples with plateauing sales at retail, company leaders from alt-meat to tofu are turning a critical eye toward in-store marketing to boost household penetration.
Experts say restaurants and food manufacturers can capitalize on the “Veganuary” movement even without making significant investments.
By now, you’re likely familiar with Veganuary, which promotes adopting a vegan lifestyle throughout the month of January. In 2022, though, the so-called Regenuary movement is also taking root. Regenuary is a sustainable eating movement …
Editor’s note: The Food Institute has a new Plant-Based Insider newsletter, coming in February! To sign up, click here. The excesses of the holiday season behind them, many Americans resolve to eat healthier. Why not …