Tag: hogs

African Swine Fever Vaccine Rolled out Amid Virus Surge

The Philippines has begun rolling out an unproven African swine fever vaccine produced in Vietnam to try to stem an outbreak of the virus plaguing pig farming across three continents, SciDev.Net reported. ASF is caused …

Meat Producers Look For A Bottom — And For Answers

The cycle has turned against meat producers with a perhaps unprecedented vengeance. In response, investors and industry participants face two key questions. First, when does the cycle turn? More importantly, what can meat producers do …

Agricultural Exports to China Surging

Lately, U.S. farmers are shipping record volumes of crops and meats across the Pacific. A key factor at play: three years after the beginning of a trade war, China is reviving its trade relations with …

Gene Editing for Hogs Just Around the Corner

At least five other nations are moving toward gene editing hogs, which could put them miles ahead of the U.S. in producing disease-resistant and faster-growing hogs that cost less to grow, the National Pork Producers …