Tag: Allergens

Search Still on for Convenient Peanut-allergy Pill

The new peanut-allergy treatment Palforzia has been slow to gain acceptance, due to both its price and its inconvenient treatment regimen. Meanwhile, two other peanut-allergy medications are in the development stages.

Working FASTER On Food Allergens

The Food Institute Podcast welcomes Lisa Gable, CEO of Food Allergy Research and Education (FARE), to discuss movement in Congress on the FASTER Act, a piece of labeling legislation for food allergens. In addition, the …

The Big 8 Food Allergens

[Editor’s Note 1/13/2022: Please see our updated list that includes sesame here: The Big 9 Food Allergens] More than 170 foods have been reported to cause allergic reactions, but eight major food allergens, also known …