
FI Studios: The Secret Ingredients to Chip City’s Success

Chip City Case Study

How does a business go from one small storefront to 9+ locations in 4 years, with no outside capital? In this latest video, The Food Institute conducts a case study of Chip City, an NYC-based gourmet cookie company. They started in 2017 with $70,000 in funds and one 250 square foot space. Fast forward to today, where they’ve expanded to multiple locations with more on the way, online retail, and a growing fan base that will wait in line for hours just to grab a bite. What have been their top strategies for growth? Watch this piece and find out the answers. You can also check out the accompanying Focus article for more details.

To view the piece, which was produced by FI’s Director of Digital Media, Susan Choi, click on the link below.

Produced By: Susan Choi
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