Tag: pointofsale.cloud

Can Ghost Kitchens Be Resurrected?

Has the would-be darling of the pandemic-era – ghost kitchens – been resurrected by a partnership between Denny’s and Franklin Junction?

Americans Avoid Businesses Without a Drive-Thru

No drive-thru? For nearly half of Americans, that’s a deal-breaker. New research shows that 47% of U.S. consumers would simply avoid going to a store that doesn’t have a drive-thru. And twice as many people …

Easing Grocery Prices Pose Threat to Restaurants

To cook or not to cook, that is the question. But with grocery prices slowing their increase and restaurant prices rising at a faster pace, the question becomes whether consumers will opt to hone their …

‘Tipflation’ Leaving Consumers Confounded

To tip or not to tip? Ultimately, it’s up to the consumer, but let’s be honest, society judges bad tippers. However, in this economy, shelling out extra cash, however well-warranted, is becoming more and more …