Has Raw Milk Gotten a Raw Deal?
While cow’s milk has waned in popularity, the reputation of raw milk has curdled from being the only show in town to a product whose mere mention is fodder for the most heated of internet debates.
While cow’s milk has waned in popularity, the reputation of raw milk has curdled from being the only show in town to a product whose mere mention is fodder for the most heated of internet debates.
The origins of kombucha are shrouded in legend, and the drink’s murky beginnings remained in relative obscurity—at least to western palates—until its rediscovery in the 20th century in something of a cultural phenomenon.
Kombucha tea continues to rise in popularity among mainstream consumers. With age-old ties to immunity and gut health, the fermented drink has also become a target for medical research. The global kombucha market is expected …
Amid the growth of the “better for you” beverage category, one drink in particular has experienced massive gains. The kombucha category grew from $1 million in sales in 2014 to $1.8 billion in sales in …