Tag: food shortages

Ingredient Shortages Hampering New Food Product Development

Research and development divisions at food companies report shortages of ingredients like MSG, sweeteners and soluble fiber are handicapping product development. Additionally, predictions indicate the problem could last well into the next decade. The 2022 …

Demand, Labor Challenges Broaden Raw Ingredient Shortages

Labor issues continue to fan the flames of supply chain disruption, fueling raw material shortages and poking holes in production output, while food manufacturers struggle to keep up with volatile demand. “The U.S. manufacturing sector …

USDA Funding to Support Schools Amid Food and Labor Shortages

Food manufacturers and distributors have cancelled school district contracts as they struggle meeting demand from other, more lucrative, consumer and commercial markets. Coupled with the labor shortage, this has left schools across the nation scrambling …

FI Fast Break: May 27, 2021

This week, in The Food Institute’s quick-hitting, audio news podcast, we break down food shortages, a spike in organic food sales, and the recent uptick in automation. The Food Institute Podcast · FI Fast Break …