Tag: cpgs

Kroger, Kellogg part of ‘Strikesgiving’ wave

With the pandemic threatening to intrude on a second holiday season and the nation’s workers rethinking what they want out of their jobs and careers, labor unrest has been sweeping through U.S. companies of late. …

Labor Shortages Continue to Drive Supply Chain Woes

Massive supply chain disruptions continue to pervade the U.S. food sector, with labor challenges triggering shortages from raw materials and ingredients to packaged goods. Some of the largest U.S. food distributors, including United Natural Foods …

Study: Compostable Packaging Matches Shelf Life of Plastic

As more food companies prioritize ESG initiatives, the use of compostable packaging continues to gain traction as an earth-friendly alternative to plastic. In the first half of 2021, major players like Chipotle, Taco Bell, and …

IRI Analysis: CPG Demand Patterns Shift as Economy Reopens

Consumers resuming active lifestyles are still maintaining at-home habits, according to a new IRI report highlighting key trends and growth opportunities for CPG manufacturers and retailers. In April, food and beverage sales for at-home consumption …

How the Health & Wellness Trend is Impacting CPGs

How the Health & Wellness Trend is Impacting CPGs The Health & Wellness movement has made great strides over the past few years, and has accelerated in the wake of the pandemic. How have CPG ...