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  • USDA Reports Slight Bump in Orange Production

USDA Reports Slight Bump in Orange Production

The U.S. all orange forecast for the 2019-2020 season was set at 5.4 million-tons, up 1% from the previous forecast and the 2018-2019 final utilization, according to USDA. The Texas all orange forecast was reported at about 109,000 tons, down 5% year-over-year from the previous forecast but up 2% from the final utilization in 2018-2019.

The California all orange forecast was estimated at 49.0 million boxes, up 4% from the previous forecast but down 2% from the prior season's final utilization. The California Navel orange forecast, at 40 million boxes, was up 5% from the previous forecast yet down 2% from last season's final utilization. The California Valencia orange forecast, at 9 million boxes remained unchanged from both the previous forecast and last season's final utilization.

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