Supply Chain Archive

Lead with Delicious: How Plant-Based Thrives

How will plant-based evolve in the year ahead? In this industry outlook, analysts weigh in on economic challenges, the financial landscape, and consumer adoption strategies for 2024.

How Will the Red Sea Attacks Affect the Food Industry?

Ongoing attacks on container ships in the Red Sea are causing global shipping carriers, importers, and exporters to reimagine trade routes and merchandising plans in early 2024. That said, how is this evolving dynamic impacting …

Food Could Upend Upcoming Elections

Voters will be listening closely to what candidates say in addressing inflation and food supply challenges in upcoming elections worldwide.

Analysis: Is AI Destined to Revolutionize Labor?

There’s nothing artificial about the hype surrounding AI. The technology that spawned the wildly popular ChatGPT chatbot has food industry leaders intrigued. Yet, most executives seem intent on tempering expectations regarding AI reshaping the workforce. …

Amazon Delivery Strategy a Model for Other Retailers

Robotics, machine learning, and data analytics helped optimize the Amazon delivery process in recent months. Now, the e-commerce giant’s model could be a standard other retailers look to emulate. Amazon managed to speed its deliveries …

Food and Beverage Becomes Top Target for Cargo Thefts

As cargo thefts surge around the U.S., food and beverage commodities have become the top target, according to the latest CargoNet data. And the trend doesn’t show signs of slowing. CargoNet’s theft report revealed an …

Foodservice Distributors Continue to Prosper

2022 was a strong year for food and beverage stocks – and particularly the biggest manufacturers in the industry. On average, including dividends, General Mills, Kraft Heinz, Campbell Soup, Kellogg, and Conagra Brands returned 22.6%. …

Safeguarding Against Cyberattacks in the F&B Industry

As the post-COVID-19 world embraces digitization, legacy IT systems have become increasingly vulnerable to cyberattacks. As the 2022 Marcum Food & Beverage Survey shows, a majority of respondents reported that their technology systems were insufficient …

Food Fraud Awareness Increasing

Whether it be supplements spouting unproven health benefits, or products to which harmful substances have been added, food fraud is a growing problem globally. Fortunately, experts say food companies can take careful steps to avoid the issue.

CEO: Supply Chain Transparency Key in 2023

After countless supply chain disruptions, and with a potential recession on the horizon, 2023 is set to be a transformative year for the grocery store segment. With that in mind, here are a few key …

Understanding the Snow Crab Crisis

The cancelation of the Alaskan snow crab season has upended an entire chain of fishing, restaurant, grocery, and wholesale industries with one of its seasonal (and most delicious) mainstays.


Diesel Shortage Chokes Transportation from the Farm Gate

The well-documented diesel shortage in America is understandably causing concern across the country. But to what extent is the shortage cause for alarm for farmers and consumers alike? Opinions vary. From the pandemic, to the …

Companies Rethinking Warehouse Experience Amid Labor Shortage

Oversized windows, offering ideal natural light. … Fitness centers. … Outdoor work areas. Don’t look now, but many of the newest factories in America feature items that sound like descriptions on To retain employees, …

Supply Chain Success Depends Upon Collaboration

NASHVILLE, Tenn. – For supply chain success, all stakeholders from manufacturers to operators must collaborate openly and effectively. That was the general theme of the “Supply Chain Talent All Star Panel” at the DMA Nashville …

Hurricane Ian Takes Toll on Florida Agriculture

Florida’s citrus industry appears to have borne the brunt of Hurricane Ian. Reports from the region indicate that the damage could potentially be worse than after Hurricane Irma, which cut Florida citrus production by a …

Experts Predict ‘Striketober’ to Remember

Slightly more than a month before the mid-term elections, thousands of U.S. workers are threatening to turn October into “Striketober,” with restaurant workers at the forefront of the bid to increase wages and improve working …