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Report: Gen Z Embracing Restaurants’ New Tech, Experiential Offerings

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Restaurants are picking up the pace regarding innovation for their offerings.

After an era of low-contact transactions due to coronavirus fears, an increasing number of consumers prefer the tech-based service restaurants are now offering. The National Restaurant Association’s latest state of the industry report found that many restaurant owners are embracing changes to their services to incorporate more digital interactions.

Younger consumers clearly embrace such innovation.

Of Gen Z and Millennials, approximately 70% say they prefer today’s mobile pick-up orders and food deliveries. Meanwhile, only 44% of Baby Boomers say they’re more likely to order delivery from a restaurant today than they were prior to 2020, according to the National Restaurant Association.


It’s not just new technology young consumers are more open-minded about, results showed that they’re also more interested in purchasing things like chef’s table-experiences, restaurant meal-kits and retail products, and restaurant merchandise.

Ultimately these kinds of changes are here to stay with more restaurants embracing digital systems for taking orders and handling transactions. While companies invest in these newer systems, it’s important to ensure the transition process happens smoothly for the sake of the employees and the customers.

“Some systems may require ‘training’ of consumers, needing signage or perhaps an employee to explain how these systems work, but ultimately, the experience will remain largely the same,” Maria Hossain, employment lawyer and restaurant industry expert, told The Food Institute.


Virginia-based franchise Ynot Italian Restaurants has introduced a digital ordering system with iPads placed at every table. Founder and president Tony DiSilvestro says that the iPads not only allow for real-time pricing adjustments to help with operational costs, but also for flexible font sizes on the menu which can be helpful to older customers.

The Ynot chain has also seen success adopting Apple Pay as an option.

“This technology has allowed us to market our brand and products in unique ways, such as showcasing videos of our suppliers and the production process of our food and wine,” DiSilvestro said.

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