Author: Kelly Beaton > Page 2

CEO Predicts Global ‘Food Wars’ as Supplies Wane

“Food wars” are simmering, as geopolitical tensions have inspired a rise of protectionism amid concerns about dwindling supplies, according to one of the largest global agricultural commodity traders, Olam Agri. The Singapore-based agri-business is part of the Olam Group, which supplies food worldwide.

High-Fat Diets Linked to Anxiety

New research may make some consumers think twice before ordering a Quarter Pounder with Cheese, suggesting high-fat diets may fuel anxiety.


Bold BBQ Sauce Flavors Winning Over Consumers

Barbecue sauce is ubiquitous in retail and many brands want in on the party. The battle for the barbecue-sauce dollar has inspired brands to get creative, often taking spiciness to the next level.