Tag: walmart

Walmart Partnership Pushes Fresh Produce Limits

Walmart is partnering with India-based agritech company GreenPod Labs to clean up its supply chain: the tech innovation endeavors to minimize produce spoilage during transportation.

Behold, the Pharmacy of the Future

Brick-and-mortar pharmacies face increasing competition from online retail options, leaving their outlook murky. Industry experts feel pharmacies need to focus on being tech-driven – and fast.

What Killed Kmart? Key Retail Missteps Led to Demise

Kmart’s downfall, accelerated by poor management and failure to adapt to modern retail trends, ended with the recent closure of its last full-size U.S. store. Experts say there are lessons to be learned from Kmart’s demise.

Column: Walmart, Amazon in High-Tech Food Fight

Amazon’s chief engineer used to have a dog named Rufus who ran up and down the halls fetching tennis balls. That doesn’t seem like a big deal for a multibillion-dollar business. But recently, Amazon brought …

The Future of Grocery Shopping is Omnichannel

Food and beverage stakeholders already know that to guarantee a sale, one must meet consumers where they are. Today, that’s online. Nearly 70% of consumers purchase groceries online in some capacity, according to recent data …

The Shifting Landscape of Grocery Retail: Four Key Trends

Retailers are navigating a complex landscape right now marked by regulatory scrutiny, rising shrinkage, and financially stretched consumers. These pressures are forcing retailers to adapt quickly, according to Supermarket Guru Phil Lempert.

Private Label Growth Pockets in Frozen Food

As consumers continue to stockpile frozen foods, retail operators are leveraging private labels to tap into that demand. Which frozen products are experiencing the most store brand sales growth? FI investigates.

Missing the Mark – Private Label is Failing at Target

Everything is cyclical. There’s a pendulum at play for any brand investing heavily in the private-label game – as more house brands populate shelves with similar names and cheaper prices than their national brand counterparts, public perception of the parent company may swing along with the pendulum; in other words, some consumers may begin to question what they’re compromising when their carts are full of private-label goods instead of the national brands they may have been buying last week, last quarter, or last year. So swings the pendulum as a blade of commerce.

Private Label Drives Summer Growth

For many major retailers, the latest quarterly results tell a familiar tale: consumers are fed up with high prices, spending less, and commodifying their loyalty by taking the best deal right now, regardless of whose logo adorns their grocery bag or shopping cart. 

Walmart Eyes Guatemala, Costa Rica

Central America’s burgeoning population is proving an attractive target for Walmart, which announced its plans to invest $1.3 billion in Guatemala and Costa Rica in the next five years. Cristina Ronski, who heads up the …


Key Takeaways from The NGA Show 2024: Improving Shopper Experience

Shopper experience in the physical store is often what truly differentiates the independent grocer from brick-and-mortar chain stores and online e-commerce competitors like Amazon.  The right mix of products, priced right, offered in the right place, and services delivered by welcoming staff in a pleasant environment are essential to building sales and customer loyalty.

Is the Future of Retail Bionic?

As more work is being published (and more health-focused products manufactured) to improve health and happiness, we may be entering an era in which the average human life can not only be improved, but extended. Are store managers ready for what that means?

Top 3 Spring/Summer Trends in Retail

In a few short years, retail will be a totally immersive and data-driven experience highlighted by personalized AI recommendations for health and home, smart carts to increase efficiency (and solve the traveling salesman’s dilemma in-store), and much more.