Author: Grace Garwood > Page 8

Study: Ranchers Can Reduce Livestock’s GHG Emissions by 50%

Cattle produce approximately 78% of total livestock greenhouse gas emissions and are responsible for 14%–18% of human GHG.   But, according to a recent report by Global Change Biology, ranchers who focus on changes to their agriculture production …

SNAP Benefits Increase as USDA’s Vilsack Reprises Role

On April 1, the USDA announced that it will provide $1 billion per month in additional SNAP food assistance to an estimated 25 million people in low-income households. U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack echoed …

Carbon Labeling Gains Momentum Despite Challenges

Unilever plans to introduce carbon-footprint details for all 70,000 of its products and is researching best methods for gathering and presenting the information. A key motivator for the company is that brands perceived as sustainable …

Kellogg Raises ESG Bar with 2022 Renewable Energy Goal

Kellogg plans to shift its manufacturing electricity sources to over 50% wind energy globally by the end of 2022. The ambitious goal speaks to growing social and environmental concerns within the food industry. The company signed a long-term …